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Directory environments in Puppet

Environments are individual groups of Puppet agents each environment have there own completely different manifests and module-paths. This basically is useful for testing changes to our Puppet code before implementing them on production machines. There are two types of implementation of environments structure in Puppet one if directory based and another is config file based here we will see bit of an insight about directory based. As usual for more information about this you can visit puppetlabs official website. On the master node: Append following details in puppet.conf which is placed under /etc/puppet or /etc/puppetlabs/puppet:     Under [main] section add a variable called confdir with value as /etc/puppet or /etc/puppetlabs/puppet     confdir=/etc/puppet Then add information regarding environments/manifests and modulepath in it.      #environments     environmentpath = $confdir/environments  ...

Puppet agent run

Puppet agent ==> Sends node's information and its facts to the master node and requests for Catalog [Complied manifests].

Puppet master checks who is this ? if this machine is authorized[Have a signed certificate or not?] to communicate with it and what all stuff do this machine needs. If incase this is the authorized one. Puppet master will gather all the related manifests and compile them to a catalog and then will send that catalog to the agent node.

Puppet agent then will download & apply that catalog to get to the desired state and will create a [success/failure] report for the puppet master.

puppet agent run

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